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Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Hi all its curious to know about relationship and its fun to play with flames..
here i written code for finding the result in a single need to compute in a paper to find..
Click here to Play with FLAMES.

copy the files to a directory say c:/
go to Command prompt
change directory to c:\
Type the following

cd c:\

Download the files given below...
Click here to download
Click here to download flames.class

if u want to simply view applet in a browser instead of command prompt open the following webpage.
Note:Your browser must have JRE.

Click here to see Demo

Monday, January 9, 2012

mChessPAD - Android Application for Chess Tournament

An Chess Recorder application - "m-Chess Pad" aka mobile chess pad.
No need of keeping track of score sheets. This application enables chess moves recorded electronically in a PGN Notation.

mChessPAD is Chess notation application for Android which can be used by players to record the moves in PGN format while playing instead of a score sheet. It doesn't have chess engine to play chess
Before entering to the moves, the details about the tournament like tournament name, location, round and about the player like FIDE ID, player name, ratings are to be entered. After submitting the tournament details the chess board will be displayed on screen to record the moves similar to a Chess Score Sheet.

Each player will be given with option to undo the last move. When the game ends, the UI will be displayed with option to select appropriate result. Games are stored in standard PGN format. The game data will be stored in the name of tournament. By default the game data will be stored locally on device after finishing the game. The copy of game data can be sent to SD-Card after finishing the game (optional).
Also you can export chess notations in PGN format. PGN data can be managed like copying/moving to SD card and delete the existing PGN game data from local storage. Once the game is recorded, you can save/replay the game to/from your mobile device or backup to SD Card. Filter the game based on tournament name. View particular game tournament info/summary.

Note: Please do comment for feedback or request regarding for app development..!!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Make use of SMS API's

Just we need to have the account in one of the following sms provider.
  1. Way2sms : 140 Chars
  2. Full On SMS : 160 Chars
  3. SMS India : 160 Chars
  4. Whozzat : 470 Chars
  5. SMS Inside : 160 Chars.
  6. Site 2 SMS : 260 Chars.
  7. : 138 Chars.
Today I am going to explain how to use my WAY2SMS API service in your own application.” + uid + “&pwd=” + password + “&msg=” + message + “&phone=” + no + “&provider=way2sms”

Your can use cURL for PHP

The Source Code example given below is in C# and can be used in any .NET Application directly.

public void send(string uid, string password, string message, string no)
HttpWebRequest myReq = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(“” + uid + “&pwd=” + password + “&msg=” + message + “&phone=” + no + “&provider=way2sms”);
HttpWebResponse myResp = (HttpWebResponse)myReq.GetResponse();
System.IO.StreamReader respStreamReader = new System.IO.StreamReader(myResp.GetResponseStream());
string responseString = respStreamReader.ReadToEnd();

NOTE : Don't forget to use namespaces
using System.Net;
using System.IO;


Required Parameters : uid, pwd, phone, msg.
uid : your userid for the required sms provider
pwd : your password for the required sms provider
provider : way2sms(default), fullonsms, smsindia, whozzat, smsinside, site2sms. if you do not specify any provider, way2sms will be used by default.
phone : phone number whom you want to send sms. seperate multiple phone numbers with a comma (,)
msg : your sms message, unlimited chars. will be sent as multiple msgs if crosses the message length for any provider
codes : 1. completely optional parameter. send this if you require a user friendly msg from the server.
for example, if codes=1 is not provided the server will return the result as an integer.
Output Flags:
1 means SMS sent,
-1 means some server error,
-2 means invalid username,
-3 means invalid message text,
-4 means login failed.
Currently, the following service providers are supported

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